
Showing posts from May, 2022

Prominent protuberances: A peep over corneal striae

A 4-year-old man showed recent binocular (BE) visual impairment, pain, and redness. He had been taking topical steroids for two years because of allergic conjunctivitis. On the test, uncorrected visual acuity was 20/120 and 20/200 for the right eye (RE) and left eye (LE), respectively. BE SLE showed conjunctival congestion and upper tarsal papillae. Corneal findings of microcystic epithelium and interstitial edema (LE> RE) were recorded with horizontal muscle and posterior corneal pigmented bands. The fundus showed almost perfect cupping in BE. BE's IOP was 32mmHg. The child was born by caesarean section at maturity, with a history of benign birth and development. The expression was asymmetrical. The keratometry value does not indicate the inclination of the cornea. Front eye optical coherence tomography (ASOCT) of RE showed hyperreflexive Descemet's membrane (DM) with prominent endothelial protrusions, and the left eye showed local stromal thickening with endothelial protr...

Independent and integrated ophthalmology – where justice and excellence meet

About 2.2 billion people worldwide are visually impaired, at least half of whom are preventable. Current estimates of preventable causes of moderate to severe visual impairment or blindness include untreated refractive error (88.4 million), cataracts (94 million), glaucoma (7.7 million), corneal opacity (4.2 million), Includes diabetic glaucoma (3.9 million) and trachoma (3.9 million). 2 million), but mostly due to uncorrected presbyopia (826 million). Of gross domestic product.  The World Health Organization's resolution on "Integrated Human-Centered Ophthalmology (IPEC), Including Preventive Blindness and Visual Impairment". At the core of the resolution is to make IPEC the optimal model and ensure its widespread implementation. It is estimated that about two-thirds of the population of India may require free or subsidized eye care, and if they have no such access, they may suffer marginalization and exclusion. Affordable and accessible high-quality care delivered by t...